Rock City has given me a community in which to grow spiritually and to connect my life to the word of God. After having spent a considerable portion of my life disconnected from religion because I was unable to find a meaningful connection point, I have finally found an authentic, relatable, and open place to explore the meaning of faith and spirituality and its implications in my life. Pastor Annie creates an environment where all people can thrive and grow in their relationship with God at their own pace. She is remarkable.

Pastor Annie has a way of bringing relevance to scripture in my everyday life.

I was not raised in any kind of faith tradition or to believe in God….I can now say because of Rock City- I see and know that God is at work in my life and present in the life of others…

Being around a diverse group of people who I would never seek out on my own or had the opportunity to be with. Rock City affords that for me.

"I don’t attend church. It’s nothing I’ve ever wanted to participated in. I detest the contradictions I’m exposed to with religious people and organizations and I make sure to keep away from all that. Then I met Annie. She became my friend. She invited me into a space, no pressure, and I’ve been attending ever since. The wisdom and the relationship I’ve been able to attain due to my attendance is something I will always cherish. I respect Annie as a person and as a pastor which I can’t say that about many others in her shoes. This is my first time in my 42 years on this earth I’ve been ever able and willing to say that I have a pastor. Rock City supported me when I was homeless, Rock City opened their arms when I was destitute, and Rock City continues to be a part of my life in a cherished and meaningful way. I look forward to what the future holds for me and them.

Rock City has deepened my understanding of the scriptural metaphor of being a jar of clay. I used to think it just meant fragility, but I now believe it as cracked/broken and flawed but of great value. In those biblical times jars had value.

Rock City is one of the most inclusive settings in my life. It truly is the place where all are welcome. The myriad of intersections in identity in a small group of people seeking God’s grace is astounding.