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Nora Hacker


Updated: Mar 31, 2021

I’ve been working on a post about how white American Christian readings of the Bible has taught many to overlook or not recognize violence in its many forms. Understanding how that operates is a key component of decolonizing our reading of the Bible.

But in these uncertain, heavy times, just sharing my own evolution on recognizing violence feels it brings more harm than healing. After all many in the Rock City community have felt the weight of “Silence is Violence” personally.

Just yesterday Lenny Duncan tweeted:

“I assume there is utter silence from most so called Bishops and major denominational leaders in the last 12 hours. Queer folx remember this. Two spirited folx remember this. Trans folx remember this. We are terrified and they can’t compose a tweet.”

But words are inadequate. Hugs are not possible. Protests are ongoing.

But here at Rock City…we embrace many differences and we come together because we believe that ALL are beautiful! ALL are divine! ALL deserve the right to flourish in our full gifting and love!

So I leave you with the words of Rev. Jacqui Lewis, PhD:

“In moments like these, they want you to feel powerless—like there's nothing you can do—because their continued minority rule depends on you believing them. It's a lie: Your vote is powerful. And the love God planted in your heart can shake this unjust nation's foundations.

We're going to ignite a holy fire to consume the bigotry and corruption that has plagued us for far too long. Let this dire moment be our turning point—when we seize the levers of power and use them to legislate an agenda of revolutionary love.

‘I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.’ - Fannie Lou Hamer

Let's go build a movement to resurrect politics of death into new life for *all of the people.* I love you. And I believe in you. We're in this together. <3”

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